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17 Comments on a Well-Written Piece That Any Writer Would Love to Hear

17 Comments on a Well-Written Piece That Any Writer Would Love to Hear

Even if some people don’t want to admit it, everybody loves a good compliment, especially on something they worked hard on. This is why, when you find something that you truly love, it’s important to have an idea of what to say when something is well-written.

This is especially true when you have been a fan of that writer for a long time or you know the writer personally. These examples of what to say can also be used in an academic setting where a classmate writes a brilliant paper or one of your students has written something well.

While leaving your comment, make sure you highlight which aspect of the writing you found most intriguing. When something is well-written, some parts will stand out to you or make an impact. It could be the way the character grew as a person or how the writer broke down complex data to make it easier to understand. It could be the writer’s tone, use of literary devices, advice or grammar.

Whatever you find most appealing, use these examples of what to say when something is well-written:


What to say when something is well-written: 5 of the best things to say when the writing is a good source of knowledge

Writing that serves as a source of knowledge is called informative writing. It involves a ton of research and fact-checking, as well as using certain tools to make the content easy to digest for its readers.
It’s a true talent that must be recognized. When you’re ready to show your appreciation for good informative writing, use these examples of what to say when something is well-written:

01“I love the way you articulated this topic. I know it will help a lot of people understand it better.”
This is good to use when the writer was able to break down a complex topic to make it easy to understand for readers. It says you appreciate what the writer did because it takes skill.


woman writer in library creative writing notes
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02“Your writing changed my perspective on [insert topic]. For a very long time, I didn’t know the truth behind it all. You managed to break down all my preconceived notions and open my mind up to other possibilities.”
Use this when the writer cleared up any confusion you had or any misunderstanding surrounding the topic. It is especially good to use when the writer presents you with facts from reliable sources to back up what was said.


03“I must say that the essay you wrote on [insert topic] was truly remarkable. I didn’t know your writing skills were so advanced.”
This is good to use when you want to commend the writer for the advanced writing skills and techniques used. It says you were surprised by how well-written it was.


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04“I appreciate your dedication to getting to the truth. I recognize how much time you must have put into researching the facts. Great job!”
This is good to use when you want to comment on the writer’s research skills. It shows appreciation for the time and effort put into making the piece possible.


05“I love so many things about this piece. It’s thought-provoking, hit the nail on the head and kept me engaged throughout. Thanks for writing this.”
It is good to use this when the knowledge-based writing wasn’t a bore to read and you were interested in getting to the end to learn more.


cozy bed beautiful girl reading a book

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5 of the best things to say when the writing is emotive and evocative, capable of stirring up strong feelings in the reader

Words have a lot of meaning, and that means more than their definitions. Words can create an atmosphere, influence emotions and lead to change.
Some books make us laugh, but others make us cry. Some books can make us angry, and others can make us grateful for the lives we live.
When you encounter an evocative piece of writing you wish to commend, this is what to say when something is well-written:

06“I wish I knew how to capture emotions as well as you do. You have a real talent for this.”
Use this when speaking to a fellow writer. It shows support and admiration for the work.


Woman lying hammock garden book reading

Photo by Dudarev Mikhail on shutterstock


07“The ending had me in tears. I was so moved by the way the characters had developed and everything leading to the conclusion.”
You can substitute sadness for any emotion you felt after reading the writer’s work. It lets the writer know the work did what it was supposed to do.


woman reading romance and crying

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08“It takes skill to be able to stir strong emotions in a reader. You possess a great amount of this skill and I can’t wait to read what’s next from you.”
This lets the writer know you’re excited to see what’s next because you enjoyed the previous work so much.



09“I found myself lost for words when [insert specific example]. This for me was the most impactful part of the piece, and you managed to capture every emotion so well!”
Use this to cite a specific example within the piece that stood out to you, and did a good job at evoking emotions from the audience. It’s good feedback a writer can use to judge what the audience likes.


girl reading book sitting windowsill
Photo by Andrii Kobryn on shutterstock


10“I’ll admit that this book made me cry. It doesn’t happen a lot, but when it does, I know the writer did a damn good job.”
Sadness in this example can also be substituted for any emotion. It lets the writer know you’re a tough critic, but the book managed to win you over.


2 of the best things to say when the writing is a good source of entertainment

A good book should capture your attention and let your imagination run wild. It should captivate you so much that you’re sitting in a single spot for hours, craving more.
Books that provide entertainment have been used for hundreds of years to allow readers to escape from the real world for a while. It doesn’t matter the genre; a good book is a good book.
Here are some ideas of what to say when something is well-written and entertaining:

11“Has anyone ever told you that you’re a natural storyteller? I read the book from cover to cover in just 2 days!”
Some people are born with the gift to bring words to life and stimulate the imagination. This is good to use when someone’s talent shined through the entire book.


woman reading book near window home

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12“You have the potential to be an amazing novelist. I encourage you to keep writing as much as you can, get even better and show the world what you have to offer.”
Use this when you see great potential in the writer and think that once the right amount of effort is put in, it could be the start of a long and prosperous writing career.


woman holding coffee reading book beside window

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What to say when something is well-written: 5 of the best things to say to constructively critique the writer

Feedback is important to a writer because we all make mistakes. Facing our mistakes helps us to improve our weaknesses and focus on improving.
If you do decide to make suggestions or give constructive criticism, always be respectful. And your feedback should make sense or be something actionable, otherwise, you’re wasting everybody’s time.
This is what to say when something is well-written, but you think there’s room for improvement:

13“Overall, this was a great article with a unique point of view, but I feel like it could have been longer. I hope part 2 is in the works.”
Starting with a positive comment will make the writer less defensive about your criticism. It says you like it, however, there’s room for improvement.


Author signing autograph in own book

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14“I enjoyed how you portrayed the protagonist in the novel, but I would have loved it if you developed the antagonist more to tie the whole thing together even better. It would seal some plot holes and help readers, including me, understand why things happened the way they did. Otherwise, great work!”
It is good to use this example because it is very specific about the parts of the work you think need improvement. It is from a reader’s perspective and isn’t criticizing the writer’s skill. Most writers will be more receptive to this type of comment.



15“This is an overall enjoyable piece, but some aspects were a bit vague, for example, where you said [insert specific example]. I felt like if you expanded on the topic, it would have been a 10/10.”
This is good to use when there’s an essay or paper submitted to you for review or feedback. It lets the writer know exactly what to work on to make it better.


student getting ready for exams laptop books
Photo by GingerKitten on shutterstock


16“I was thoroughly impressed by your superior writing skills. I found no grammatical or mechanical errors, and your choice of words was on point. I just wished you were more confident in your writing and didn’t play it so safely. You are very skilled at this and shouldn’t be afraid of pushing the envelope.”
It is good to use this when you believe the writer has much more to offer than what is given. It tells the writer to not be afraid to take risks.


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17“”Let me start by saying I am a big fan of your work and I have been following it for a while. With that said, I have a few notes about the last article you put out.”
For one, I think there were a lot of missing pieces in the story. I’m not sure if you did the research yourself, or passed it on to an intern, but you should check out [insert reputable source] to see what was said about it.”
This is a deeper criticism of the writer’s approach to the work. This should be used when you can speak from a place of authority, for example, someone with experience or learned in the subject, otherwise, it will not be as impactful to the writer.

Use these examples of what to say when something is well-written to compliment all types of writing. You can also use last set of examples when you wish to offer some sort of feedback or constructive criticism.

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