Speed dating is considered an extreme sport by most but being prepared with some good questions to ask a girl beforehand can make it much easier.
Be confident and view the speed dating experience as fun and a chance to meet some new people, if not potentially the girl of your dreams!
Good questions to ask a girl at the beginning of a speed date

There are a lot of different things that can happen on speed dates, but you need to start off with these speed date questions before connecting on an emotional level. These may seem basic, but they will give you insight into her personality and reveal whether or not there could potentially be chemistry between the two of you! Once your chemistry develops, you can take things up another notch by looking into these great flirty questions to ask a girl.

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When preparing the good questions to ask a girl at a speed date, you need to be careful. These questions are meant to be asked at the beginning of date when you’re just getting to know each other, so make sure you do not sound like an interrogator.
Asking someone “How old are you” or “Where do you work?” doesn’t have the same effectiveness of a leading question and general questions like these tells the girl that you’re not creative and that you don’t know how to lead a conversation.
Therefore, the good questions to ask a girl at the start of a speed date are random ones because they ignite conversation, show creativity and are all round fun.
While they seem random, they are designed to uncover all the important details that will give you plenty of food for thought. Never ask them in rapid succession. Instead, listen to what she has to say and maybe ask for more details with some answers.
In speed dating, it’s important to start off confidently. Once you leave a good first impression, you can relax and improvise on your own.
Feel free to add your own flair to these questions, since everyone loves creativity and the ability to maintain conversation even in the extreme conditions of speed dating!
Interesting questions to ask a girl during a speed date

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Now we’ve reached stage 2 of every speed date. You’ve determined whether she’s the right one for you but how do you continue? Is it a good idea to become suggestive and cheeky right away?
Of course, not. While asking the first questions, you’ve found out the basics. Therefore, you have plenty of material to ask more specific questions.
During this phase, you should still maintain a question-answer conversation rhythm, as you need to find out more to make the final move.
These specific questions are useful if the conversation dies down a little. Remember, the best conversation driver is your curiosity. No matter how well-dressed or attractive you are, a girl won’t give her best during a conversation if you don’t invest effort in asking her.
If her character traits suit you, it’s time to see what her interests are. In case you plan to call her the next day, this is a good test to see if your lifestyles match. If she likes Doctor Strange and you prefer Iron Man, there are going to be some problems.
Use these good questions to ask a girl about some personal things. For example, if you ask her about her favorite holiday destinations, she will probably talk a little about her childhood. Memorize everything you deem important and smile as much as you can.
Good questions to ask a girl when you want to close the deal

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The dos and don’ts when on a speed date with a girl

● Anything related to art or an activity that people are passionate about
● Ask her about her passions and try to find out more about her career and work through such inquiries
● If you want to ask her something personal, share something personal of yours as well to encourage her
● Be determined and let it be known through every question you ask her
● It’s okay to be suggestive and slightly sexual, but keep it at a minimum and never give any signs in the beginning
● Don’t ask her about money or work explicitly – instead, let her mention such personal details within an answer to another question
● Never be timid. Ask away – you got nothing to lose!
Speed dating is an amazing and fun activity. Knowing which good questions to ask a girl will help you meet interesting people, get a few numbers or maybe fall in love.
Remember – all you have to do is to plan, know what you want in advance and have fun. Positivity is contagious, and girls love it!