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30 Best Responses for When Someone Says I Miss You

30 Best Responses for When Someone Says I Miss You

When someone says, I miss you, there are so many different ways you can respond. However, your options are dependent on whether or not you actually like the person.

In this article, you will learn how to respond to I miss you from someone you like/love. You will also learn how to respond to I miss you from someone you are not so interested in. Here are some of the best ways to respond to “I miss you” that you can use right now:


How to respond to I miss you: best responses to someone you like or love.

If you like or love this person, your reaction should say that, right? Here are some cute and funny ideas for how to respond to I miss you from someone you care about.

01“I miss you too.”
This is the most straightforward response to I miss you from someone you like or love. This message will let him or her know the feeling is mutual.


man and woman lying on the bed both wearing sweater long sleeves
Photo by Davids Kokainis on unsplash


02“What do you miss about me?”
This is a flirty response to I miss you. This can even turn into a flirty conversation.


03“I’ve been thinking about you too.”
This comment lets the recipient know that he or she has been on your mind as well.


04“I wish you were here.”
This is a good response when the person you are texting is physically separated from you. This suggests that you miss him or her and wish you could be together again.


05“I can’t wait to see you again.”
This message lets him or her know that you are looking forward to being together again.


06“I am counting down the days until we’re together again.”
If it has been a while since you’ve seen each other or there is going to be a considerable amount of time until you see the person you miss again, this is an ideal message. It shows that you are really excited about seeing him or her again and that you wish you could fast forward time.


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Photo by Alice on reshot


07“I thought you’d be glad to get rid of me.”
This is a perfect response to use on your crush. It will give you guys something to laugh about. He or she may even go into detail about why they miss you, and you will end up with a big smile on your face.


08“I’m so much happier when I’m with you.”
This is an easy way to share how you feel when you are with him or her.


09“I miss every inch of you!”
Here is a sweet and cute response. It lets him or her know that you miss everything about the recipient.


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Photo by Gesina Kunkel on unsplash


10“What would you do if I was beside you?”
This response is a bit on the flirty side. Use this for a lover or crush who you know for sure is into you. This can lead to a very steamy conversation, or even a funny one, depending on the type of person you are texting.


11“You mean the world to me.”
This response to I miss you will let him or her know that you care a great deal. It’s an excellent way to respond to I miss you because it shows how strongly you feel about him or her.


12“I miss being able to hug you.”
You are being specific about what you miss about the person you’re texting. You can even customize this response in any way you want, such as, I miss your smile, or I miss your laugh.


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Photo by NeONBRAND on unsplash



13“I keep myself sane by staring at our pictures.”
If you are in a long-distance relationship with the person who says I miss you, this is a great response to show how much you actually are thinking about them.


14“Not having you here is driving me crazy.”
Being away from the person you like or love can be hard. This note demonstrates that your only wish is to have him or her by your side.



15“Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”
This is an ancient saying which means that being away from someone will make you love and appreciate him or her even more. This is a lovely response.


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Photo by Mayur Gala on unsplash


16“I am dreading every minute that I am away from you!”
This wording shows that you are miserable being away from the recipient. It reveals exactly how much you care.


How to respond to I miss you: best responses to someone you are not interested in

When you are not interested in the person texting you, you will want to respond in a way that doesn’t give him or her the wrong idea. Here are different ideas for how to respond to I miss you from someone you aren’t attracted to.

17“Wow, thanks.”
If you don’t want to be mean, this is an excellent response to use. Just change the subject quickly.


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Photo by Manuel Cosentino on unsplash


18“I have that effect on people.”
He or she will take this comment as a joke. It will also get you out of explaining that you don’t feel that way about the person you’re texting.


19“I miss me too.”
This message can also be taken as a joke. It will seem as though you are kidding around, and you don’t have to be mean about your feelings.


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Photo by Arun Sharma on unsplash


20“I don’t miss you.”
If the person you’re texting just isn’t getting the message that you don’t feel that way about him or her, you have to be firm and straightforward about it. This is sure to get the idea across.


21“It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
If this person is a friend, you don’t want to mess up the friendship by being overly cruel. Using this statement is great in this situation because you are not saying, I miss you too. You are simply saying it has been a while since you’ve seen each other.



22“How are you doing?”
This strategy changes the topic, but not suddenly or awkwardly.


23“How nice of you to say that.”
Here is a kinder alternative to saying that you don’t feel the same way about him or her.


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Photo by Etty Fidele on unsplash


24“Join the club.”
This comment can go one of two ways. It can either be taken as a joke or will make the texter stop bothering you. Either way, you won’t be leading on the recipient.

Photo by Wendy Wei under pexels license


25“How come? I didn’t go anywhere.”
This is a funny way to respond to I miss you from someone you don’t feel that way about because it will make things less awkward for both of you.


26“Thanks! You say the sweetest things.”
This is a great message to use on someone you don’t have feelings for, but still want to be a part of your life as a friend. It is good because it won’t hurt his or her feelings.



27“I’ve been so busy.”
If you have been avoiding this person because you don’t want to make him or her feel bad, use this as an excuse. When you get a text that says, I miss you, this will be a logical reason for why you have been so distant lately.


28“Stop texting me.”
If this person is an ex or weirdo stalker, you don’t have to be subtle about your feelings. If you don’t miss him or her, use this to be clear about your desire to be left alone.


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PHoto by Oleg Magni on unsplash


29“Why? Did you throw something at me?”
This is a funny response that will distract the person texting you from the fact that you didn’t say, I miss you too.



30“I just saw you a minute ago/a few hours ago.”
If the person messaging you is clingy and you just don’t feel that way about him or her, use this to kill the mood.


31“You’ll get over it.”
If the person who texts you is an ex that won’t take a hint, use this text to let him or her know that you don’t feel the same way.


32“Don’t. I don’t feel the same way.”
This response is very clearly stating that you don’t feel the same way about him or her. Even though this phrasing is a bit harsh, he or she will definitely get the point.


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Photo by Zan Ilic on unsplash



How to respond to I miss you has never been easier. By using these messages, you will get your point across in a simple yet effective way. All you have to do is copy and paste!