A letter to your daughter is something special and lasting. It may be short, but she will cherish it forever.
Whether your daughter is facing the best time of her life or the most challenging times, she needs words of encouragement. To help you write one of these letters, here are some inspiring examples of a ‘letter to my daughter’.
First example of a ‘letter to my daughter’ on her wedding day

It seems like just yesterday that you were a toddler asking me to help you ride a bike. You must have fallen off and cried a hundred times, yet you still wanted to ride that bike.
My dear daughter, you then moved to California, and while it was only 60 minutes away, I missed you every day. I was so happy to hear that you and John were engaged.
I am now thrilled and honored to stand by your side as we celebrate your union with a man you have loved since the moment you met.
Although I am so proud of you and filled with joy that you are beginning the next chapter in your life, I also feel so very sad because it feels as though I have just lost my best friend.
You have always been a loving daughter and, while you will now have a family of your own, you will forever remain a part of our family. I know that your values will give you strength, dignity, and grace in your marriage.
I know that marriage and raising children will be the most challenging thing you will ever experience in your life, but it will also be the most rewarding thing you will ever experience.
Don’t let anger, pain, and frustration take control of your life. These things are enemies of your marriage. It will be easier to navigate the tribulations you will inevitably face if you consciously focus on all the wonderful things you love about your husband.
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Second example of a ‘letter to my daughter’ on her wedding day

It’s staggering to imagine that we are already here, ready to support you as you begin this next journey in life. I will never forget the joy you have brought to my life.
It brings tears to my eyes to remember the day you first started kindergarten, and I will forever remember the day you graduated from college. You have succeeded in everything that you’ve taken on, and I am so proud of you. My daughter, you have approached every challenge in your life with energy and passion.
Today, I am grateful for the woman you have become, and I harbor no doubt in my mind that these qualities will help your marriage thrive.
Remember that you are a strong and independent woman, so embrace that side of yourself, but don’t forget to lean on your husband for strength and trust him to lead your family by example.
A letter to my daughter for her college graduation

As you graduate from college this Friday, I know you might be dreading the end of another chapter of your life. I understand your feelings, and I just wanted to let you know that the next stage you face has the potential to be even better than the last.
I have also dreaded the end each stage of my life, only to realize there were more exciting things to come. Becoming a mother to my sweet little girl was the best thing that ever happened to me.
As a baby, I adored you and was terrified of you growing up, but I couldn’t fight nature. As a toddler, you were so smart, and you continue to make me proud as you graduate this week.
You are a natural-born leader, and your incredible talent for making friends has always impressed me. These traits will continue to serve you as a graduate.
Some people think that graduation marks the end of the best years of your life, but I have to disagree. Your best years are still to come, and I encourage you to look to the future with hope and excitement.
My daughter, the best moments of your life are the ones you are living, and as long as you live, you won’t forget them. There will be tears as you graduate, but you should know that there is something even bigger and better coming your way.
You are my beautiful angel, and I am impossibly proud of you today. Congratulations on your graduation, and I wish you nothing but success and happiness in the future ahead.
Letter to my daughter when she encounters hardship
A letter to support her decision to be a single mom

My daughter, I know what you are going through now is one of the hardest of life’s experiences.
As you take the next step and becoming a single mom, I am reminded of my own experiences, and the lessons I learned along the way.
Most of these lessons were taught to me through my own mother during my parents’ divorce.
I was just ten years old when my father decided to leave my mother, leaving us unprepared to take on life in his absence.
He had protected and provided for us until then, but without warning, my world changed overnight, and my mom took on the responsibility of raising two kids all on her own.
I soon realized what a strong woman she was, and how determined she was to take care of us in the best way she possibly could.
She took on the incredible challenge of bringing up her children single-handed, but she never complained.
You are now in a very similar position and must tackle your own set of challenges, but I know you will come out stronger than ever before.
I understand your situation, and as you go forward with your life, I offer you this advice: move slowly and give your children enough time to adjust.
My daughter, there will be difficult decisions ahead, decisions that will affect your family. Be ready to stand up for what you know is right.
I wish you all the best as you take on this new journey. Don’t compromise on achieving your dreams and those of your children.
They have only you to look up to now, so remember to be sensitive to their feelings and don’t dwell on the minor issues.
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A letter for my daughter struggling with drug addiction

First and foremost, I want to let you know that I love you, my daughter. There is not a single day that I don’t think about you. And each day I hold hope that you will fight for the beautiful person I know you’ve got inside you.
It breaks my heart to see our relationship crumbling by the day. Over the past few months, I have seen that you don’t show me the dignity and respect that I deserve as your mother.
I have always wanted the very best for you, and I am ready to do anything a mother can do to help her child. I know you are an adult, but I see that you are struggling and I want, more than anything, to protect you. The fact that I can’t, leaves me in pieces.
If this were any other disease, I would fight for you to have the best care I could find. It would be easier, even if you were in the hospital, if I could stand by your side and know that I was doing all I could for you.
Unfortunately, this horrible beast that is devouring your body and spirit has forced me into a position where I can’t do more, I can only watch you losing your life.
I have done everything I can to try and make stop this thing, but I am left to face the truth. My precious daughter, you are an addict. I feel sick, even just thinking about it.
I have watched over you your whole life, but now I have no other choice than to set you free. This is the only option I have left in the fight to save your life. It’s clear to me that you stand a chance of getting clean if you go to a rehabilitation center.
Please, my beautiful girl, believe me. Please go. Please seek out their intervention and find the strength inside you to get clean. I swear to you that I wouldn’t ask you to do this unless I had hope that it would work.
I pray that we can both find the strength to overcome this, and I hope with everything that I am that you will find your way. You are not just my daughter, you are my best friend, too.
Concluding thoughts
It can be emotionally overwhelming to see your daughter take the next step in life. While she needs to begin a new chapter, you can’t help but remember all the good times you spent together.
The letters above not only encourage your daughter to take on the next stage of life with confidence, but they act as motivation for her as well.