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30+ Cute Ways to Say Goodbye to Your Loved Ones

30+ Cute Ways to Say Goodbye to Your Loved Ones

After a deep, intimate conversation with your lover or a fun-filled day with your friend the time, eventually, comes to say goodbye. These are words we all dread because we don’t want the best moments to end.

But what if there were some cute ways to say goodbye to your friends and loved ones that wouldn’t make you sad? Here are a few ways to say goodbye that may have never even crossed your mind.


Cute ways to say goodbye to your lover

When the time comes, you can use any of these sweet ways to say goodbye to your lover. He or she will either smile or laugh. Either way, it will be adorable.

01“Bye-bye, butterfly”
This is a cute phrase to use on your girlfriend because, as we all know, butterflies are beautiful creatures. It’s just another way to say ‘goodbye, beautiful’ to your girlfriend.


hand butterfly hill sky
Photo by Eugene Kukulka on Reshot


02“Farewell, milady”
This is an Old English way of saying, ‘goodbye, my lady.’ It is appropriate to use on your girlfriend because it’s a sign of respect, and can also be awkwardly funny.


03“You made my day so special”
After a get together with your significant other, use this to say goodbye. It’s cute to use because it lets him or her know that you had a good time.



04“Give a hug, ladybug”
Even if ‘ladybug’ isn’t a nickname you have used for your girlfriend, it’s an apt way to say goodbye because ladybugs are cute little creatures. By doing this, you are also calling her a cutie.


macro lens for iphone 4 color red bug leaf
Photo by Salvador Padron on Reshot


05“Take care, teddy bear”
We all know teddy bears are cute and cuddly creatures. That makes it a cute way to say goodbye to your boyfriend. You can also accompany it with a big bear hug!


06“Blow a kiss, goldfish”
This is funny and silly and very playful. You may even get an actual kiss.


fish aquarium

Photo by kazuend on Unsplash


07“See you later, cutie pie”
This is one of the cute ways to say goodbye to your lover. It’s cute because you are calling her beautiful and telling her that you will see her soon.


08“I can’t wait to see your beautiful face again”
It’s cute because you are saying that you will miss her and that you are looking forward to seeing her pretty face again.


09“Have fun without me”
This is an excellent way to say goodbye because it means that you want your lover to enjoy the rest of his or her day, even you can’t be there.


10“The sooner I leave, the sooner I’ll be back in your arms”
If your lover is begging you to stay, you can use this as a way to say goodbye, and convince him or her to let you go.


couple kiss hug affection grass

Photo by Carolyn Devine on Reshot


11“Be safe”
This phrase is one of the most loving things you can say to a person. It’s a little bit playful, too because it shows that you care about him or her.


12“Call me later”
Instead of saying goodbye, you can use this phrase to show that it’s not really goodbye, but more like ‘see you later.’ It shows that you wish to continue the conversation as soon as he or she has the time.



13“I miss you already”
This is a cute thing to say to your boyfriend, husband, girlfriend, or wife as he or she is leaving. It means that you had a good time and are sad to see him or her go. It also lets him or her know that you will be missing them.


14“It feels like a piece of me is going away”
Your lover is your other half, right? This is a cute way to let him or her know you will miss them, and that you can’t wait to be back together.


heart puzzle joining together
Photo by PIRO4D under Pixabay License


15“I’ll be counting the minutes until I see you again, handsome”
This is cute to use on your boyfriend for two reasons. Firstly, you are letting him know that he will be missed, and secondly, you are telling him that he is handsome.


16“Hurry back”
This is a cute way because it will let him or her know that you will miss them, and that you want your special person to come back as soon as possible.


guy driving motorcyle wearing black jacket street vehicles

Photo by Jon Grogan on Unsplash


Cute ways to say goodbye to your friends

If you want a cute way to say goodbye to friends after meeting up or after a phone call or even in a text, these 15 cute ways to say goodbye will work every time.

17“So long, suckers”
Use this phrase after a meet up with a bunch of friends. It is cute to use because you don’t mean anything bad by it. It shows that you are just joking around after having a good time.


Ciao is an Italian word which means goodbye (or hello in some instances). It is cute to use because it is playful and cheery.


text goodbye sand sea shore sea

Photo by C.R. Photography on Reshot


19“See you later, alligator”
This phrase comes from a popular rock and roll song from the fifties. Since then, people have been using it as a funny way to say goodbye to each other.


alligator reptile soil

Photo by Stefan Steinbauer on Unsplash


20“After while, crocodile”
This can be used as a response to ‘see you later, alligator’ or on its own. It is cute because it’s not too serious or formal, and can be a funny, rhyming joke.


21“Stay out of trouble”
This phrase is commonly used among close friends, and it can be taken literally or not. It’s sweet, and it means that you should take care of yourself.


dog biting shoe lace shoe

Photo by Allie Smith on Unsplash


22“Till next time”
This is good to use because it shows that you had a good time and that you plan to meet up again in the future.


23“Adios, amigos”
Adios, amigos’ is a Spanish phrase for ‘goodbye, friends.’ It is good to use because it’s a light-hearted, humorous way to part from friends.


24“Au revoir”
This is a French expression, which means ‘until we meet again.‘ It is a great phrase to use because it’s not as final as a goodbye, and it lets your friend know that you hope to meet up again soon.


business businessman converse business trip conversation business center business travel

Photo by Lelia Milaya on Reshot


25“See you soon, baboon”
This is cute to use because it’s just another silly way to tell your friends that you will see them again soon.


26“Don’t let the door hit ya where the lord split ya”
This literally means ‘don’t let the door hit your butt on the way out.’ This is a cute way to say goodbye to a close friend and is bound to make both of you laugh.


black and white photo door exit

Photo by Michael Jasmund on Unsplash


27“See ya (or ‘cya’ in text)”
This just means ‘see you soon. ‘ It is cute because it’s slang, and it means that you hope to meet up again sometime soon.


28“Smell ya later”
This is popular among teenagers, but it can be quite a funny moment amongst adults, too. It doesn’t mean that your friend actually smells; you are just kidding around.


woman smelling pink flower

Photo by Daniel Apodaca on Unsplash


29“Hasta la vista”
This is also Spanish, and it means ‘until the next sighting’ or ‘see you later.’ This phrase became popular from the Terminator movie, and, since then, people have used it to say goodbye. It is cute because it’s humorous and upbeat.



30“Gotta bounce”
This is a cool way to say goodbye, ‘I’ve got to go,’ or ‘I need to leave.’ It’s cute and funny because it’s often used by cool and famous people in movies.


mascot rabbit jumping sky
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash


31“Don’t forget to come back”
If you have friends over, this is a perfect way to say goodbye. It is cute because you are extending an invitation for them to come back, which means that you had a good time.



There are so many different and cute ways to say goodbye to your lovers and your friends, without ever saying the words goodbye. These are perfect for both texting, and when you see them in real life.

Just make sure you choose the right one for the right person or else it might seem too silly!