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25+ of the Best Words to Describe Your Mood Accurately

25+ of the Best Words to Describe Your Mood Accurately

How are you feeling right now? What’s your mood like? Can you describe your mood accurately?

It’s easy to use broad words to describe your mood, like happy, sad, angry, or nervous. However, you can use many different words to describe mood than the most basic ones available.

This is important, especially since there are different levels of moodiness, and sometimes, you may feel a certain emotion or mood in only the slightest way. 

Here is a list of 25 words to describe mood that will help you to convey exactly how you feel to others.

We’ve also thrown in some examples of how to use them so that you can use the right word in the right situation:


Words to describe mood when you’re feeling anger

Anger refers to the most basic feeling of being upset with something or someone. It causes displeasure, and sometimes, it can cause hostility.
It can be as gentle as being bothered by somebody or as aggressive as feeling rage and “seeing red.” Here are some words to describe mood when you’re feeling anger:

“Annoyed” is a word that can be used to describe a mild or slight form of anger. When you’re annoyed, it means that you are upset, but you may not be upset enough to become hostile or aggressive.
When annoyed, you may complain about something or become passive-aggressive. Sometimes, you may even give the silent treatment to someone. You may also find it hard to think about anything other than the situation at hand.
This is a good word to use when you want someone to know that something is bothering you, but you don’t want to come off as aggressive or hostile. It may just mean that you are in a bad mood.


E.g. “It feels like the world is against me today. I’m so annoyed at everything and everyone.”


man holding his temple and looking down
Photo by Siavash Ghanbari on unsplash


“Frustrated” comes from the word ”frustration” which describes a feeling of distress. It may be regarding the fact that you are unable to achieve something, change something, or prevent something from happening.
It usually is related to feelings of hopelessness and futility. Frustration can lead to bitterness or uneasiness, and it is a moderate form of anger.
This is a good word to use when things aren’t going your way, no matter how hard you try. It can also be used when there’s nothing that you can do about a situation that is making you feel some form of frustration.


E.g. “I get so frustrated at school because no matter how much I study and try to pay attention in class, I end up failing anyway.”


“Furious” is a word that is used to describe an extreme level of anger. It means that you are full of hate, and you have the energy to act upon it. Unfortunately, whether you act on it or not is a matter of self-control.
It is an intense feeling. This word is good to use when you are raving mad, seeing red, and having a tantrum of sorts. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you will fight someone or do harm to someone/yourself.
Instead, it can take the form of ranting or venting to someone about how strongly you feel about whatever happened to you.


E.g. “I can’t believe he’d lie to me like that after all that we’ve been through. Just hearing his name makes me furious all over again!”


angry woman wearing white tshirt looking at the camera

Photo by Annelie on reshot


The word “irritated” is similar to annoyed, and it is another mild form of anger. However, it is different in that it occurs in response to a stimulus, meaning that you were purposely provoked by what someone did or said.
It is a good word to use when you want to highlight what someone did, or it can be used when you don’t want to speak too generally.


E.g. “I told Matthew to stop taking my car without asking. He did it again, even though we talked about it yesterday. I’m so irritated!”


“Infuriated” is another word to describe an extreme level of anger. It happens when the actions of another person make you lose patience, and now, you are extremely upset. Maybe, you’ve given up on trying to be cool, calm, and collected.
It is a good word to use to show the impact of what the person has done who has wronged you. It can show how much it has affected you. It’s also a good word to use when the actions or words have worsened your mood, and they have made the situation worse.


E.g. “I was already annoyed at him, but coming home to find the kitchen a mess really infuriated me.”


“Seething” is a word that is used to describe intense anger. However, you may want to avoid describing yourself that way so as not to seem hostile.
So, you just sit there, feeling upset without saying or doing much. Perhaps, you do this in an effort to prevent yourself from doing or saying something that you might regret.
It gives someone the indication that you are not to be messed with right now, and it’s better if you are left alone.


E.g. “I’m not in the mood to talk to you right now; I’m seething.”


man in white shirt opening his mouth

Photo by acworks on photo-ac


Words to describe mood when you’re feeling sadness

Sadness is the opposite of happiness. It is a feeling of sorrow, regret, or grief. It can be a feeling that you have about something that someone said or did, or it can be about an event or the absence of something.
Here are eight words to describe mood when experiencing sadness:

The word “blue” being used as a word to describe sadness is not new. In fact, it came from Greek mythology; Zeus’ feelings of sadness were believed to cause rainstorms or thunderstorms.
It is also associated with winter and the cold because some Greeks believed that suffering happened when Zeus was sad.
The word “blue” can mean that you are in low spirits or feeling sad, but it can also refer to feeling unwell. This is a good word to use when you don’t want to say directly that you are sad or depressed, but you want the person to know that you aren’t doing well.


E.g. “Ever since she left, I’ve been feeling so blue. I’m taking it one day at a time.”


woman stading in front of gray metal fence

Photo by Guillaume Bolduc on unsplash


“Depressed” is a word that is used to describe an extreme level of sadness. This is a good word to use when you find yourself distracted by your feelings, and you’re unable to do much.
When depressed, you can’t eat, sleep, or participate in regular life. Instead, you’re likely fixated on the situation, and you may even start to cry at times.


E.g. “Ever since my best friend died, I’ve been so depressed. It feels like I lost a piece of myself.”


foreign men trouble depression wearing ash gray shirt holding his head

Photo by acworks on photo-ac


“Disappointed” is a good word to use when you were looking forward to something, and that something does not happen. In this case, you can be disappointed because your expectations were not met.
It is a good word to use when sadness is related to your expectations not being met, and you are displeased as a result.


E.g. “I was very excited to go on this trip, so you can only imagine how disappointed I was to learn that my parents couldn’t afford it.”


“Empty” is a word to describe sadness that is caused by losing something or when something is taken from you. It can also be described as a feeling of numbness.
It is a good word to use when you’re grieving a death, when you’ve experienced the loss of a job, or when an important relationship has fallen apart.


E.g. “Johnny was the most important person in my life, and now that he’s gone, I just feel so empty.”



“Gloomy” is a word that means you are feeling dim about the present time. Maybe, you have no hope for the future. This usually happens when something life-changing or bad happens that has caused you to lose hope or faith in life.


E.g. “This was supposed to be my year, but with everything that’s happened, I can’t help but feel gloomy.”


“Hurt” is a good word to use because this type of sadness happens after a specific event. It’s usually because of something that someone has said or done to you to cause you emotional pain.
It is a good word to use to indicate, at the moment, when someone says or does something to make you feel sad. You may also use the word when asked about a particular situation that makes you feel sad.


E.g. “I thought you knew me better than that, especially after all that we’ve been through. This hurt me so much.”


child girl long hair crying holding tissue paper
Photo by Erika on photo-ac


The word “rejected” comes from the word “rejection,” which means to refuse or discard.
As it relates to sadness, the meaning is similar, but it has more to do with the feeling of being unwanted or being turned down/away.
The word “rejected” refers to being neglected by someone whom you cherish. You can also feel rejected from something that you really wanted, like a job or a scholarship.


E.g. “I don’t know why I thought that telling Amy how I felt would be a good idea. She doesn’t feel the same way, and now I’m left feeling rejected and stupid.”



When someone says that they are remorseful, it means they are sorry that something happened or that they feel regret about something. It has a lot to do with guilt, but it doesn’t have to be something that is your fault.
You can use this word when you did something that you were not supposed to, or you can use it when a situation has a bad result. You can also use this when you lose someone whom you love.


E.g. “I wish I spent more time with grandma when I could. I spend every day looking at old pictures of us when I was young, and I’m remorseful for making all of those excuses not to see her.”


guy on leather jacket selective focus standing glasses
Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on unsplash


The word “worthless” describes something that has no value or use to anyone. It is a good word to use when you are doubting yourself or have low self-esteem.


E.g. “Nothing I do will change anything; I feel so worthless.”


What to say when you’re feeling nervousness

Nervousness has a lot to do with fretting over something that has happened or over the unknown. It is a natural response to psychological stress, and it is your body’s way of avoiding a perceived danger or threat.
Here are five words to describe mood when you are feeling nervousness:

“Anxious” is a word that describes a feeling of uneasiness about a situation, and you have no way of knowing the outcome. As a result, you worry or feel nervous about it.
The word “anxious” also describes a situation in which you are eager for something to happen. This is a good word to use when your nervousness is debilitating, and it makes it harder for you to focus or do anything because you are feeling anxious.


E.g. “I’m so anxious about my big interview. What if they don’t like me?”


guy with blue hoodie covering his face with both hands sitting on the bench

Photo by Christian Erfurt on unsplash


Restlessness is a form of nervousness, and it can cause you to be jittery. It can make it hard for you to rest or relax, and you may do all sorts of things to comfort yourself, such as pacing, clicking pens, tapping your fingers on a desk, or biting your fingernails.
It is a good word to use when your worry causes you to lose sleep or feel uncomfortable.


E.g. “Can’t they release the results already? This long wait time is making me feel restless.”



When something startles you, it causes you to feel a sudden shock, alarm, or possible feelings of fright. Afterwards, the feeling of nervousness may still linger and make you feel uneasy.
It is a good word to use when something makes you jump, like a loud sound, an earthquake, a weird noise, or a scary appearance.


E.g. “I didn’t know that you were home. You startled me when I walked into the house!”


“Terrified” is a word to describe an extreme level of nervousness, and it may border on the line of fear. It is a good word to use when you know something bad is going to happen. You can also use it when there is the possibility of a negative outcome.


E.g. “I’m terrified of losing my mother. The doctor says that the cancer is spreading.”


woman in glasses surprised
Photo by June O on unsplash


“Worried” is a word that is best used when you are nervous about future events or outcomes; it can apply to you or to others. It can be used when you are currently in the situation that is causing the worry, and you don’t know how to turn things around.


E.g. “Gary is a good kid with lots of friends, but sometimes, I’m worried that he can’t see the worst in people who aren’t good for him.”


Words to describe mood when you’re feeling happiness

When you are happy, you are likely in high spirits. Your mood is good or pleasant, and you aren’t worried, sad, or upset about anything.
Here are nine words to describe mood when you’re feeling happiness:

“Accepted” is a word that describes being welcomed, approved, or recognized. It is a good word to use when you meet new people, and they gravitate towards you. It is also a good word to use when you do something good, and you are being appreciated for it.


E.g. “My favorite place in the world is with my support group. They make me feel so loved and accepted, and that’s all I’ve ever really wanted.”


“Content” is a word that describes peacefulness. It doesn’t mean that anything special has happened to make you feel good, but it just means that you are satisfied with life as it is. The word “content” refers to the fact that you have nothing that is troubling you in your life.
It is a good word to use to show that you are in a relaxed mood, and it can mean that you are satisfied with your circumstances as well as with others.


E.g. “I spend my afternoons on my porch, watching the people walk by. I’ve never been so content.”


woman with short hair laughing

Photo by Kim Carpenter on unsplash


The word “euphoric” comes from the word “euphoria,” which means a state of intense happiness and well-being. It is a good word to use when something pleasant has happened, like an afternoon playing games with loved ones, accomplishing something difficult, or having a moment of success in your life.


E.g. “Spending the weekend at the cabin with my girlfriend has left me feeling euphoric. There’s no one I’d rather spend time with.”


grayscale photo of a guy wearing gray and white striped sweater

Photo by Jono on unsplash


The word “excited” describes a situation in which someone is looking forward to something happening, doing something, or seeing someone that means a lot to him/her. It’s usually an enthusiastic feeling that translates into happiness.


E.g. “The school year ends in two days, and I’m excited to spend my summer vacation with my family in the countryside.”


“Fulfilled” is a good word to use when you are experiencing a feeling of satisfaction, especially after a period of feeling unwell or unhappy. It means that everything is going well for you now, and you couldn’t be happier with the way things are.
This is one way that you can use this word to describe your feelings of happiness:


E.g. “I got to go to Bali this past summer. My lifelong dream has been fulfilled.”



The word “glad” refers to the feeling of pleasure or happiness; it happens when something you wished for has been realized or has taken place. It is a good word to use when it’s something that you worked towards, but it can also show that you are happy for someone else.


E.g. “I’m so glad that I was selected to be the ambassador for this company. It means a lot to me.”


This is another word that is used to express intense feelings of happiness and pleasure. This word is typically used in reference to an event, like Christmas. During the holidays, there is generally a feeling of bliss or happiness.
You may also feel joyful after something happened that you were working towards, like a raise or a promotion at work.


E.g. “Guess what? I got the part! I’m feeling so joyful.”


selective photography of a child wearing mink coat laughing
Photo by S&B Vonlanthen on unsplash


“Optimistic” is a word to describe positive feelings and thinking. It means that you are confident and hopeful about the future.
It is a good word to use when you can guarantee that something good is going to happen to you or to others. It can also mean that you have a good feeling about what is to come.


E.g. “I’m optimistic that tomorrow our team will take home the championship. We’re more than ready for it!”


“Playful” is a word that can be used to describe contagious happiness. This is usually when you feel so good that you try to make others feel good too, by being silly or funny.
“Playful” is a word that describes light-heartedness. It is not meant to be mean, and typically, kids represent people who are playful.


E.g. “Today is such a good day! I’m playful with everyone. I want the environment to be positive for others too.”


woman with christmas ornament and black and red skirt

Photo by Dexter Fernandes on unsplash



Having a sophisticated vocabulary is good, but it doesn’t mean that you need to read a dictionary or thesaurus to find impossibly long words that you can’t even pronounce!
Words to describe mood don’t have to be difficult. Now, you won’t have to use elementary school words like angry, sad, nervous, or happy to describe how you feel.
You’re welcome!