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25+ Simple “Thank You for Lunch” Notes That Can Brighten Someone’s Day

25+ Simple “Thank You for Lunch” Notes That Can Brighten Someone’s Day

Magic might seem unreal, far off or make-believe. It may seem like something that requires some weird conjuring and stuff. Magic isn’t always found in activities like this.

Often times, its most potent forms can be found in the smallest gestures. A simple thank you for lunch note can perform the magic of brightening someone’s day and inspiring brilliant sparks of joy on their face.


Benefits of Thank You Notes

Thank you notes, though they may seem flimsy and irrelevant, can have effects comparable to the butterfly effect, which means they could have a greater reach than you realize.
Thank you notes, such as ‘thank you for lunch’ make a relationships stronger. It takes many weak points to make a strong bond, so what seems small may, over time, solidify a strong friendship.
In your place of work, with your colleagues, it is important to build positive relationships based on respect, since you do see them more than your actual family!
Here are some advantages and proven upsides to sending ‘thank you notes’ if you are still in doubt as to what something as simple as a thank you note can do.


01They strengthen bond
Humans respond positively to appreciation. Words of appreciation are important, even to the most hot-tempered person you can think of, it’s the way we’re wired. Sometimes, frustration stems from feeling under-appreciated.
Let’s imagine a scenario. As an employee, your boss leaves a heartfelt thank you note for you one day at work. However that day went, you probably felt tired and maybe stressed by the end of it.
Receiving a note like:
Hi Cindy, the company really noticed your effort these past few days, we wanted to recognize the work and let you know we appreciate your efforts. I personally see and respect the intelligence behind everything you do. You are amazing and the company is privileged to have you around. Thanks. Best regards. – Brian.
Your energy is restored and the next day you are motivated to do more. You know you are definitely on good terms with your boss and your connection to the organization is solidified.


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez under unsplash license



02It improves mood
A thank you note can brighten someone’s mood, even on the worst of their days. Being shown that you are appreciated is something that will turn any frown around.
The magic doesn’t only exist for those who are having a stressful day. Leaving a thank you note will make anyone’s day get better, even if it is already ‘perfect’.


Photo by Fabio spinelli under unsplash license


03Will make you more likely to be appreciated in return
Often, we do not receive a thank you note, for our thank you note. But showing appreciation towards someone makes them want to, naturally, return the favor.
We all are a product of our environment and cultural backgrounds. There is no culture in the world that doesn’t recognize the significance of appreciation whether written, spoken or sent in the form of gifts. Since everyone is a product of their culture, we all respond positively to the dictates of this long-standing tradition.


Photo by Hanny Naibaho under unsplash license


04Makes you stand out
A thank you note makes you stand out since it is something a lot of people forget to do. Taking a few seconds out to articulate your thanks on paper is an uncommon gesture that will give someone a nice surprise.
Something as simple as, ‘thank you for lunch,’ to your boss after a presentation or conference. Imagine how you would stand out if you were mindful enough to show your gratitude after a busy day.
The recipient will appreciate the courtesy and consideration you’ve shown. The people that are truly set apart in this world are distinguished by the simplest of manners and habits.


PHoto by madsliebst under pixabay license


To Your Manager for An Individual Business Lunch


01Thank you for lunch today, I cannot say how much I appreciate your time and company. The conversation was refreshing and I gained great perspective on our business.


Photo by Maddi Bazzocco under unsplash license


02Having lunch with you was a great experience; from the meal to our conversation. I appreciated how easy it was to talk about so many different things, it made me realize what an awesome person you are.


03The lunch was quite unexpected; but it was a pleasant surprise. The conversation we had made me realize how priceless it is to work with a great mind like yours. Thank you.



04I feel quite honored to have had lunch with you. It was amazing, thank you for the invitation. I was cheered by your unique sense of responsibility and care for us, as your employees. I have gained a whole new perspective of this company. Thank you.


PHoto by Elle Cosgrave under unsplash license


05Thank you for taking the time to genuinely listen to me during lunch today. I appreciate your kindness. I must say, I hope to be able to return to that restaurant. It was delicious. Thank you very much, Sir.


06The promotion is something I’ve hoped for. You’ve made my dreams come true. Thank you very much for joining me for lunch and helping me to celebrate. Not many bosses would do that.


Photo by Casey Lee under unsplash license


07I enjoyed every bit of lunch today. I was just reminiscing on how enlightening our conversation was, and I enjoyed finding out about your hobbies. Thanks again.


08The lunch made me feel quite recognized and valued. Thank you very much


Thank You Note for Team Lunch to Boss


09Thank you for taking the team out for lunch. It was a great bonding time for all of us, so refreshing! Thank you very much


Photo by ELEVATE under pexels license


10The lunch at (the name of the restaurant) was just amazing. Thank you for taking the time to hang out with the members of the team. It was really nice getting to know you too.


11Who could have ever believed it wouldn’t just be another regular lunch today? Thank you very much for surprising us with an amazing meal! It really cheered everybody up.


12Thanks a lot for lunch. It made us feel that we were a core part of the company and that beyond salaries, we still mattered. Thanks for your leadership and openness to the team.


13Lunch was amazing, for many of us! The food was manna-like with some productivity-boosting conversation. We sincerely thank you for the private room at the restaurant, everyone felt recognize and happy about the time we had off together. Thank you


Image from under pexels license


Thank You Note for Birthday Lunch to Co- workers/Friends


14Thanks for taking me out to lunch today. I needed a boost, and appreciate you seeing that. Thanks.


Photo by Sander Dalhuisen under unsplash license


15You literally made my day shine. Thanks a lot, guys, for showing me the love. The lunch was fabulous.


16A day without you all seems unimaginable. Thank you for making my birthday what it was, a day to remember. I appreciate the heavenly lunch at (the name of the restaurant)



17I walked into the office and I was totally astonished at what you guys had planned for me. I am so grateful, thanks for the [anniversary] lunch. You guys are simply just the best.


Photo by Samantha Gades under Unsplash License


18This birthday was more than just another birthday with you guys around. I feel so emotional as I write this.
Thank you for the lunch, it made the day so bright, in the middle of an otherwise ordinary work day. I felt loved and on my birthday, that’s pretty awesome. Thanks a lot, everyone.


19Today was a really awesome, spontaneous decision that I think we should try and do more often. Having lunch with you was a great way to refresh my mood and get me ready to get back to work! Thanks for making me laugh.


20Birthdays might be like ordinary days if there weren’t amazing people like you! Guys, thanks for making an effort to make me feel special and for the lunch, mates.


Image from under pexels license


21I feel lucky to have loving people like you guys in my life; any time spent with you is definitely a great time. Thanks, for lunch.


Thank You for Lunch Note to Professor, Teacher or Mentor


22I feel honored that you had me over for lunch. Thanks for enlightening me as always with your dynamic thoughts.


Photo by NeONBRAND under unsplash license


23Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to sit and have lunch with me. I had been having a hard time deciding what to do next but talking with you helped. I appreciate your guidance.


24Thanks for the lunch [Title]. It was really nice getting to know you outside the classroom. If your busy schedule would allow, I would love to continue our conversation on [subject] sometime.


25Any time with you [title] is always eye-opening. I do not take that for granted. Thanks for the lunch and the stimulating conversation.


Photo by Wade Austin Ellis under unsplash license



26Thanks for the lunch, though it was more than just food. Your amazing perspectives about (a topic discussed) were really insightful. Thank you.